
jim henson studios

jim henson studios, originally uploaded by sourbunny.

los angeles

los angeles, originally uploaded by sourbunny.


serene?, originally uploaded by sourbunny.

the juxtaposition of the grimy loading dock beneath the yoga sign and that great green wall reall stood out to me.

candy cane bubbles

candy cane bubbles, originally uploaded by sourbunny.

i used a pink and white candy cane striped solid bubble bath from lush and the bubbles and crumbs from the bubble bath formed candy cane stripes of their own.
it was a very yummy bath.



debbie, originally uploaded by sourbunny.


reeled, originally uploaded by sourbunny.

the entire ceiling of this station is covered in movie reels and i really love the effect it gives. some stations are not so lucky in the aesthetics department.