
target: rats

target: rats, originally uploaded by sourbunny.

is this what they mean?

is this what they mean?, originally uploaded by sourbunny.

fire department

fire department, originally uploaded by sourbunny.

the happy tortilla!

the happy tortilla!, originally uploaded by sourbunny.


stark, originally uploaded by sourbunny.

hon is green

hon is green, originally uploaded by sourbunny.

apparently the office supply company, hon, is all green now. and so are their marketing people.


pigeons, originally uploaded by sourbunny.

Immigration March

Immigration March, originally uploaded by sourbunny.

aimee, ethan, and i got to watch this march as we waited for our bus on the way to brunch last sunday.



lumber, originally uploaded by sourbunny.

my favorite part about this is that this business is still operating.


i was a bad bad bunny updater in may. hoping to turn that around this june. i've posted a batch of pictures i've taken over the past 3 weeks. let me know what you like! xoxo
propaganda, originally uploaded by sourbunny.


signs, originally uploaded by sourbunny.

if you haven't caught on to this, i really enjoy taking pictures of the signs and the way people alter them. this no parking sign has a piece of wood attached to it--something i am always very very fond of.

derby down

derby down, originally uploaded by sourbunny.

an actual action shot--yea!
i'm actually considering joining derby. the only thing stopping me (besides being a wuss) is that i don't have insurance. booboo
sunday night's bout was really awesome. one gal actually ended up sliding right under me--i lifted my feet just in time.


water tower

water tower, originally uploaded by sourbunny.

water tower

water tower, originally uploaded by sourbunny.

navy pier

navy pier, originally uploaded by sourbunny.

bozo mural

bozo mural, originally uploaded by sourbunny.

family portrait

family portrait, originally uploaded by sourbunny.